Sri Sarvasri Ananda - Extraordinary Healthcare : Low-Cost, No-Cost Natural Healthcare for Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health in PDF, TXT, FB2
The purpose of this book is to reinvent the field of healthcare, not only to restore health, but to restore inner and outer beauty, mental acuity, and emotional balance. It introduces a new multi-disciplinary approach that goes beyond what mainstream medicine currently offers. We can reduce human suffering and healthcare costs by 90-95%. Allopathic healthcare is remarkable for accidents, emergencies, and reconstructive surgery, but for degenerative and lifestyle diseases, it's proven ineffective. It fails because doctors are being asked to do the impossible. They cannot make your decisions about what you eat, think, feel, do, believe, or know. These determine your health and vitality. This book helps you make the best decisions for your health. It provides powerful techniques and tools to make total health possible. It's not just a book, but a manual and workbook to empower you to take charge of your own health. Humans are designed to be self healing, and heal easily with the right natural resources. Extraordinary Healthcare addresses five levels, 1) physical, 2) bio-energetic, 3) mental, 4) emotional, and 5) the field of consciousness. It's a realistic solution to the healthcare crisis in America and worldwide. It comes with a bonus - It costs little or nothing. The Extraordinary Healthcare(TM) Program has been used to: * Rapidly Eliminate Physical Pain, Headaches (Including Migraines), Usually Within Minutes * Cure Cancer and Heart Disease Within Weeks, Diabetes Within 30 Days or Less * Eliminate Viral and Bacterial Infections Within Hours * Permanently Eliminate Digestive Disorders * Rapidly Accelerate Healing From Injuries and Chronic, Degenerative Diseases * Quickly Reduce Depression and Anxiety * Rapidly Reduce Stress and Fatigue * Flood the Body, Mind, and Heart With Tremendous Life Energy This system of natural healthcare can be immediately practiced by individuals, businesses, and healthcare professionals. Companies have reduced healthcare costs by over 80%. This is a practical approach to the healthcare crisis. No new insurance program is going to help. It can only pay for what is already not working. The majority of our health problems are caused by lack of knowledge of what truly heals us. This book gives you that knowledge., This is the book I wish I could have read when I was younger. It would have saved me so much pain and suffering. I hope that it heals existing problems and prevents future suffering for millions of people. From the Back Cover We all want to look and feel youthful, with the vitality that only total health can provide. The purpose of this book is to reinvent the field of healthcare, not only to restore health, but to restore inner and outer beauty, mental acuity, and emotional balance. It introduces a new multi-disciplinary approach that goes beyond what doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare specialists currently offer. We can reduce human suffering and healthcare costs by 90-95%. Allopathic healthcare is remarkable in the case of accidents, emergencies, and reconstructive surgery, but for degenerative and lifestyle diseases, it has proven ineffective. It has failed because doctors are being asked to do the impossible. They cannot make your decisions about what you eat, what you think, what you feel, what you do, what you believe, or what you know. These are what determine your health and restore your beauty, joy, and vitality. This book will help you make the best decisions for your health. It provides powerful techniques and tools to make total health possible. It is not just a book, it's a manual and workbook to empower you to take charge of your own health. The premise is that humans are designed to be self healing, and we heal easily with the right natural resources. It addresses healthcare on all five levels, 1) physical, 2) bio-energetic, 3) mental, 4) emotional, and 5) the field of consciousness. It is a realistic solution to the healthcare crisis in America and worldwide. It comes with a bonus - It costs little or nothing. The Extraordinary Healthcare(TM) Program has been used to: Rapidly Eliminate Physical Pain, Usually Within Minutes Rapidly Eliminate Headaches, Including Migraines Cure Cancer Within Weeks Cure Heart Disease Within a Few Months Cure Diabetes Within 30 Days or Less Eliminate Viral and Bacterial Infections Within Hours Permanently Eliminate Digestive Disorders Rapidly Accelerate Healing From Injuries and Chronic, Degenerative Diseases Quickly Reduce Depression and Anxiety Rapidly Reduce Stress and Fatigue Flood the Body, Mind, and Heart With Tremendous Life Energy This system of natural healthcare can be immediately practiced by individuals, families, businesses, nurses, doctors, and hospitals. It should be taught around the world in every country, city, town, village, and family. Companies have reduced healthcare costs by over 80%, keeping their employees alive, healthy, and productive. This is the only practical approach for solving the healthcare crisis. No new insurance program is going to help us. It can only pay for what is already not working. The vast majority of our health problems are caused by lack of knowledge - the knowledge of what truly heals us. This book will give you that knowledge.
The purpose of this book is to reinvent the field of healthcare, not only to restore health, but to restore inner and outer beauty, mental acuity, and emotional balance. It introduces a new multi-disciplinary approach that goes beyond what mainstream medicine currently offers. We can reduce human suffering and healthcare costs by 90-95%. Allopathic healthcare is remarkable for accidents, emergencies, and reconstructive surgery, but for degenerative and lifestyle diseases, it's proven ineffective. It fails because doctors are being asked to do the impossible. They cannot make your decisions about what you eat, think, feel, do, believe, or know. These determine your health and vitality. This book helps you make the best decisions for your health. It provides powerful techniques and tools to make total health possible. It's not just a book, but a manual and workbook to empower you to take charge of your own health. Humans are designed to be self healing, and heal easily with the right natural resources. Extraordinary Healthcare addresses five levels, 1) physical, 2) bio-energetic, 3) mental, 4) emotional, and 5) the field of consciousness. It's a realistic solution to the healthcare crisis in America and worldwide. It comes with a bonus - It costs little or nothing. The Extraordinary Healthcare(TM) Program has been used to: * Rapidly Eliminate Physical Pain, Headaches (Including Migraines), Usually Within Minutes * Cure Cancer and Heart Disease Within Weeks, Diabetes Within 30 Days or Less * Eliminate Viral and Bacterial Infections Within Hours * Permanently Eliminate Digestive Disorders * Rapidly Accelerate Healing From Injuries and Chronic, Degenerative Diseases * Quickly Reduce Depression and Anxiety * Rapidly Reduce Stress and Fatigue * Flood the Body, Mind, and Heart With Tremendous Life Energy This system of natural healthcare can be immediately practiced by individuals, businesses, and healthcare professionals. Companies have reduced healthcare costs by over 80%. This is a practical approach to the healthcare crisis. No new insurance program is going to help. It can only pay for what is already not working. The majority of our health problems are caused by lack of knowledge of what truly heals us. This book gives you that knowledge., This is the book I wish I could have read when I was younger. It would have saved me so much pain and suffering. I hope that it heals existing problems and prevents future suffering for millions of people. From the Back Cover We all want to look and feel youthful, with the vitality that only total health can provide. The purpose of this book is to reinvent the field of healthcare, not only to restore health, but to restore inner and outer beauty, mental acuity, and emotional balance. It introduces a new multi-disciplinary approach that goes beyond what doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare specialists currently offer. We can reduce human suffering and healthcare costs by 90-95%. Allopathic healthcare is remarkable in the case of accidents, emergencies, and reconstructive surgery, but for degenerative and lifestyle diseases, it has proven ineffective. It has failed because doctors are being asked to do the impossible. They cannot make your decisions about what you eat, what you think, what you feel, what you do, what you believe, or what you know. These are what determine your health and restore your beauty, joy, and vitality. This book will help you make the best decisions for your health. It provides powerful techniques and tools to make total health possible. It is not just a book, it's a manual and workbook to empower you to take charge of your own health. The premise is that humans are designed to be self healing, and we heal easily with the right natural resources. It addresses healthcare on all five levels, 1) physical, 2) bio-energetic, 3) mental, 4) emotional, and 5) the field of consciousness. It is a realistic solution to the healthcare crisis in America and worldwide. It comes with a bonus - It costs little or nothing. The Extraordinary Healthcare(TM) Program has been used to: Rapidly Eliminate Physical Pain, Usually Within Minutes Rapidly Eliminate Headaches, Including Migraines Cure Cancer Within Weeks Cure Heart Disease Within a Few Months Cure Diabetes Within 30 Days or Less Eliminate Viral and Bacterial Infections Within Hours Permanently Eliminate Digestive Disorders Rapidly Accelerate Healing From Injuries and Chronic, Degenerative Diseases Quickly Reduce Depression and Anxiety Rapidly Reduce Stress and Fatigue Flood the Body, Mind, and Heart With Tremendous Life Energy This system of natural healthcare can be immediately practiced by individuals, families, businesses, nurses, doctors, and hospitals. It should be taught around the world in every country, city, town, village, and family. Companies have reduced healthcare costs by over 80%, keeping their employees alive, healthy, and productive. This is the only practical approach for solving the healthcare crisis. No new insurance program is going to help us. It can only pay for what is already not working. The vast majority of our health problems are caused by lack of knowledge - the knowledge of what truly heals us. This book will give you that knowledge.