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Roland Boer - Marxist Criticism of the Hebrew Bible ebook EPUB, DOC, TXT


The only large-scale critical introduction to Western Marxism for biblical criticism. Roland Boer introduces the core concepts of major figures in the tradition, specifically Althusser, Gramsci, Deleuze and Guattari, Eagleton, Lefebvre, Lukacs, Adorno, Bloch, Negri, Jameson, and Jameson. Throughout, Boer shows how Marxist criticism is relevant to biblical criticism, in terms of approaches to the Bible and in the use of those approaches in the interpretation of specific texts. In this second edition, Boer has added chapters on Deleuze and Guattari, and Negri. Each chapter has been carefully revised to make the book more useful on courses, while maintaining challenges and insights for postgraduate students and scholars. Theoretical material has been updated and sharpened in light of subsequent research and a revised conclusion considers the economies of the ancient world in relation to biblical societies., This book provide a large-scale critical introduction for biblical criticism of a significant area of contemporary cultural and literary theory, namely Marxist literary criticism. The book comprises studies of major figures in the tradition, specifically Althusser, Gramsci, Eagleton, Adorno, Benjamin, Bloch, Lefebvre, Luk�cs and Jameson. Throughout the aim is to show how Marxist literary theory is relevant to biblical criticism, in terms of both particular approaches to the Bible and the use of those approaches for interpreting selected texts from Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 1-2 Kings,Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Daniel. In this Revised Edition, Boer adds new chapters exploring the work of Vladimir Lenin and Antonio Negri and provides a Marxist reading of Paul's numerous and overlapping oppositions in light of the ideological and socio-economic challenges he faced.Theoretical material is updated and sharpened in light of subsequent research and a revised conclusion focuses on the debate over modes of production in relation to biblical societies., This book provides a large-scale critical introduction for biblical criticism of a significant area of literary and social theory, namely Western Marxism. The book introduces the core concepts of major figures in the tradition, specifically Althusser, Gramsci, Deleuze and Guattari, Eagleton, Lefebvre, Luk�cs, Adorno, Bloch, Negri, Jameson, and Jameson. Throughout the aim is to show how Marxist criticism is relevant to biblical criticism, in terms of both particular approaches to the Bible and the use of those approaches for interpreting selected texts from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Job, Psalms and Daniel. In this Revised Edition, Boer adds new chapters exploring the work of Deleuze and Guattari, as well as Negri. Each chapter is carefully revised with a view to use in teaching courses, while maintaining challenges and insights for postgraduate students and scholars. Theoretical material is updated and sharpened in light of subsequent research and a revised conclusion presents for understanding the economies of the ancient world in relation to biblical societies., What is the relevance of Western Marxism for interpreting the Bible? This book offers a large-scale critical introduction of precisely that approach for biblical criticism. It presents overviews of the core concepts of major figures in the tradition, specifically Althusser, Gramsci, Deleuze and Guattari, Eagleton, Lefebvre, Lukács, Adorno, Bloch, Negri, Jameson, and Benjamin. Throughout the aim is to show how Marxist criticism is relevant to biblical criticism, in terms of both particular approaches to the Bible and the use of those approaches for interpreting selected texts from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Job, Psalms and Daniel. Each chapter is written with a view to use in teaching courses, while maintaining challenges and insights for postgraduate students and scholars. The introduction also offers 'touchstones' for Marxist criticism, while the conclusion presents a reconstruction of the economies of the ancient world in relation to biblical societies.

Marxist Criticism of the Hebrew Bible by Roland Boer ebook TXT, DOC, FB2

His unexpected yoking of musicology and art history, in particular his original insights into the relationships between music, visual representation, and the history of the body, make exciting reading for scholars, students, and all those interested in society and the arts., This text examines the social meanings of music as they have been shaped not only by hearing, but also by seeing music in performance.The composer who could compose one movement in his head while writing down another.Providing a study of literary criticism, the author also shows how texts critically reflect upon the media environment in which they were created.It incorporates some of her staunchest defences of the older poets, such as Milton and Gray, against the onslaught of the new criticism, but also opens a touching window into her personal life away from the literary world.Published in 1811, this six-volume selection of letters by Anna Seward (1742-1809) offers a wealth of Romantic literary criticism., The literary career of Anna Seward (1742 1809) had many frustrations.THE SPEED OF SOUND is the story of an extraordinary man living an extraordinary life, a single-handed quest to make peace between art and the digital world., Thomas Dolby rose to international fame with such hit songs as "She Blinded Me with Science" and "Hyperactive!" in the early 80's.The first considers the significance of tartan in Scottish history and culture during at least the last four centuries, addressing tartan's role in the development of diaspora identities in North America.Forty-four carefully chosen works including plainchant, the earliest experiments in polyphony, excerpts from Latin liturgical dramas, and the elaborate polyphony of the fourteenth century offer representative examples of the music of the period.Through practical explanation of body mechanics, ergonomics, and the performance-related health problems and risk factors unique to musicianship, Taylor gives music educators the tools they need to first practice healthy posture, body mechanics, environmental safety, and ergonomics, and then to introduce these same practices to their students.